About KMU Library

Kapasa Makasa University is situated at Mulakupikwa village area along The Great North Road in Chinsali District of Muchinga Province, Zambia.  The library became operational in June 2019 as a branch library of the Copperbelt University.  Effective June 2021, following the delinking of the university from Copperbelt University, it is now an independent University Library headed by the Librarian. 

The library is the center of all academic activities where students, lecturers, researchers and consultants go to find needed information. Libraries are fundamental to developing student's skills needed to follow curiosity and develop habits of reading amongest students. Kapasa Makasa University library provides conducive environment for individual and group study. In addition, the KMU library offers its services to external members at a fee.

Library aims and objectives

To provide information resources that meet the needs of all users in line with teaching, learning, research, training and community service programs in line with the mission and goals of the University.
To be the centre of all academic activities in the university through the provision of adequate, relevant, timely and accurate information
Kapasa Makasa University Library aims to contribute to the supply of high-quality information materials to it's students and staff.

Library staff members

Naomy Mtanga
We wish to welcome all our esteemed library users to utilize the various facilities, services and products available in our library both physically and electronically. Our vibrant team is at your service, so feel free to approach any one of us through various means either in person or remotely - Librarian
Oliver Nyowani
Assistant Librarian: Responsible for managing digital library platforms, clearance and reference services.
Jack Hatyoka
Library Assistant: Responsible for lending books and research reports for use within and outside the library. He also assists in accessing electronic books.

Library schedule and collections

Physical Book Collections

  • Agroforestry
  • Animal Science
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Education
  • Fisheries and Aquaculture
  • General Reference
  • ICT
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Research methods

Digital Collection

  • Astria Digital Library (restricted to holders of Access User Codes and Passwords)
  • Open source digital collections (Free for all through website links and download to your flash disks from the Library Assistant)
  • Scholarly E-resources from university website
  • Institutional Repository


  • Monday to Friday - 08:00 to 22:00hrs
  • Saturday  - Closed
  • sunday  - Closed
  • Public Holidays - Notices will be posted accordingly


Library services

Reference Services

Reference Services

Lending services

Lending services

Internet services

Internet services

Information Literacy

Information Literacy

Research support

Research support



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