2019 Research and Publications

  1. Musonda, N., Kalaba, F.K., Mwitwa, J. and B. Nyimbili (2019) The interactive effects of rainfall, temperature and water level interaction on fish yield on Lake Bangweulu fishery, Zambia. Journal of Thermal Biology 84 (2019) 45-52
  2. Kapembwa, C., Shitumbanuma, C., Chabu, K. and E. Van Ranst (2019) Evaluation of the effectiveness of a new method of measuring the chemical reactivity of liming materials on two acid soils from Zambia. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. DOI:10.1080/00103624.2019.1705324.   
  3. Ng’onga, M., Kalaba, F. K., Mwitwa, J. and B. Nyimbili. The interactive effects of rainfall, temperature and water level on fish yield in Lake Bangweulu fishery, Zambia. Journal of Thermal Biology, 84: 45-52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtherbio.2019.06.001.
  4. Kanja, K., Uzay Karahalil, and Bayram Çil (2019) Modeling stand parameters for Pinus brutia (Ten.) using airborne LiDAR data: a case study in Bergama. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 14(2), 022205 (24 October 2019). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JRS.14.022205.
  5. Kanja, K., Mwemba, M., and K. Malunga (2019) Monitoring the rate of expansion of agricultural fields in Mwekera Forest Reserve using remote sensing and GIS. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-3/W6, 377-380, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-3-W6-377-2019, 2019.

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