Department of Agriculture and Aquatic Science


The department is a unit that was established in 2016 to train students in Agro forestry, animal science and Fisheries and Aqua-culture. Department of Agriculture and Aquatic Sciences addresses complex environmental issues through scientific discovery, creativity and perseverance; teach future leaders to manage the delicate balance between people and the environment on which they depend.

Mission, Vision and Objectives

We are committed to training current and future natural resources and enviromental professionals to be critical thinkers prepared to manage, sustain and renew our natural resources.
The vision of the department of Natural Resources is to sustain, enhance, protect and conserve George's natural,historic and culcural resources for present and future generations, while recognizing the importance of promoting the development of commerce and industry that utilize sound enviromental practices.
Expected Outcome
The normal expected outcome of the programme is well trained students who will fully contribute to the well being of the society.

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